Theme: Advancing cardiology around the world
Paediatric Cardiac Care 2021
PAEDIATRIC CARDIAC CARE 2021 cordially invites all the participants from all over the globe to attend "22nd World Congress on Pediatric Cardiology & Heart Failure” which scheduled during May 10-11, 2021 Webinar which includes Keynote presentations, Oral Talks, Poster presentations, workshop and Exhibitions. On this auspicious occasion, Organizing Committee invites the participants from all over the globe to take part in this annual flagship conference with the theme of “Advancing cardiology around the world”.
PAEDIATRIC CARDIAC CARE 2021 will focus on the latest and exciting innovations in the Heart Diseases, Diagnosis as well as Treatment in all the areas of Pediatric Cardiology. According to American Heart Association statistics Cardiovascular disease (CVD) produces immense health and economic burdens in the United States and globally. The Statistical Update also presents the latest data on a range of major clinical heart and circulatory disease conditions including stroke, congenital heart disease, rhythm disorders, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease (CHD), heart failure (HF). This conference develops incredible relations by bringing the researchers and associations together.
Encounter the target market with members from across the globe, committed to learn about Cardiology techniques. This is the best opportunity to outreach the largest gathering of participants from around the world. Conduct presentations distribute and update knowledge about the current situation of nuclear cardiology & echocardiography technique and receive name recognition at this 2-days event. World-eminent speakers, most recent researches, latest treatment techniques and the advanced updates in Nuclear Cardiology are the principal features of Cardiology Conferences.
Our Organization would be privileged to welcome the:
Track 1: Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatric Cardiology is mainly for treating heart problem in children which is done by a pediatric cardiologist. They are specialized in curing and analysing the heart problem in children in the children who may need heart surgery, Pediatric Cardiologists work closely with the pediatric heart surgeons to determine the best treatments and interventions on the conditions that affect the heart of the children.
• Pediatric heart catheterization
• Risk and diagnosis of disease
• Pediatric diseases pathology
Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress.
Related Societies: The American Heart Association | Heart Failure Society of America | American College of Cardiology | American Society of Echocardiography | Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals | American College of Chest Physicians | Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals | American Association of Heart Failure | Nurses Cardiovascular Credentialing International
Track 2: Cardiovascular Diseases
Heart and blood vessel disease also called as Cardiovascular Disease which includes numerous problems that are related to atherosclerosis it is the condition where the walls of arteries are filled or blocked by a substance called plaque, which makes the arteries wider and if blood clot occurs it stops the blood flow and leads to the heart attack or stroke.
• Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
Related Conferences: 2nd World Cardiology Experts Meeting Sydney, Australia April 8-9, 2021; 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences; 8th World Heart Congress, May 11-12, 2021 Munich, Germany; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences 2021; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021 Bangkok, Thailand; Cardiovascular Diseases Meetings
Related Societies: American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | American Society of Hypertension | International Academy of Cardiology | International Society for Heart Research | International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery| Society of Geriatric Cardiology | American College of Cardiovascular Administrators | The Association for European Pediatric Cardiology
Track 3: Fetal Cardiology
Heart is the first organ that develops in the unborn baby, the Fetal Cardiologists take care about the health of the heart and checks the condition of the fetal heat without having any complications or affect to the heart that supports the child’s heart health.
Related Conferences: 28th International Congress on Cardiology and medical interventions, October 05-06, 2021 Vancouver, Canada; Cardiovascular Diseases Congress; 2nd Middle East Heart Congress, June 22-23, 2021 Abu Dhabi, UAE; Cardiovascular Diseases Events; 4th International Conference on Hypertension and Healthcare, March 25-26, 2021 Tokyo, Japan
Related Societies: The American Society of Echocardiography | American Society of Nuclear Cardiology | Association of Vascular and Interventional Radiographers | Association of Vascular and Interventional Radiographers | North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging |The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions | Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Imaging | Society of Computed Body Tomography & Magnetic Resonance
Track 4: Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease
Congenital Heart Defect or Congenital Heart Disease is a problem that occurs in the structure of the heart through its cause is unknown but in some cases, it is due to infections like rubella during pregnancy, poor nutrition care or obesity and use of certain medications or drugs like tobacco and alcohol. Its symptoms vary from none to life-threatening.
• Cerebrovascular disease (Stroke)
• Cardiovascular disease and the pregnant patient
Related Conferences: 2nd World Cardiology Experts Meeting Sydney, Australia April 8-9, 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Conferences 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Meetings; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Congress; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Events; 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences; 8th World Heart Congress, May 11-12, 2021 Munich, Germany; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences 2021; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021 Bangkok, Thailand; Cardiovascular Diseases Meetings
Related Societies: Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography | Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging | Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease EASD Study Group | Society for Heart Valve Disease European Stroke Organization | International Society for Adult Congenital Cardiac Disease | Japan Stroke Society | American Association for Vascular Surgery
Track 5: Pediatric Heart Surgery
Heart surgery in children is done to repair heart defects when a child is born with heart diseases a child needs the surgery. There are many kinds of heart defects. Some are minor, and others are more serious. Some heart failings may need surgery right after the baby is born. For others, the child may be capable to securely wait for months or years to have surgery. One surgery may be enough to repair the Heart Defect, but sometimes a series of techniques are needed for the child’s wellbeing.
• Adult congenital heart disease and sports cardiology
• Mechanical support left ventricular assist devices
• Therapeutic and physiologic issues surrounding heart valve surgery
• Angioplasty or surgery for multivessel coronary artery disease
• Advances in congenital heart disease
• Transmyocardial revascularization (TMR)
• Minimally invasive heart surgery
• Artificial heart valve surgery
Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Related Societies: Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery | Association of Physician Assistants in Cardiovascular Surgery | Canadian Society for Vascular Surgery | Congenital Heart Surgeons Society | European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery | European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and Other Interventional Technique
Track 6: Clinical Cardiology
Clinical Cardiology Journal is a contemporary checked open entry Journal committed to advertising leading-edge research in cardiology. Studies relating to cardiac diseases such as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease, and their epidemiology and pathophysiology are covered under the scope of the Journal
• General clinical cardiologists
• Cardiovascular Anaesthesiology
• Cardiovascular Pathology Research
Related Conferences: 2nd World Cardiology Experts Meeting Sydney, Australia April 8-9, 2021; 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences; 8th World Heart Congress, May 11-12, 2021 Munich, Germany; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences 2021; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07, 2021 Bangkok, Thailand; Cardiovascular Diseases Meetings
Track 7: Child Anaesthesia for Cardiac Surgery
Anaesthesia management of low birth weight infants or children undergoing cardiac surgery requires a very high level of control to aim to minimize major deviations in ventilation, arterial pressure control, and blood biochemistry within the limitations of the surgery and anaesthesia. It is more difficult to anaesthesia the child compared to the adults as they require more care and observation.
Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Related Societies: Albanian Society of Cardiology | Algerian Society of Cardiology | Armenian Cardiologists Association | Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina | Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan | Austrian Society of Cardiology | Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology | Belgian Society of Cardiology | Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists | British Cardiovascular Society
Track 8: Pediatric Stroke
A stroke is occurred due to interruption of normal flow of the blood to the brain either by blockage or rupture of the blood vessel, the age of the child at the time of stroke makes differences how doctor identify and treat the problem. It occurs due to cardiac problems in children during birth.
• Transient Ischemic Stroke Attack
Related conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences 2021; Pediatric Stoke Meetings; Pediatric Stoke Congress; Pediatric Stoke Events; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Related Societies: Bulgarian Society of Cardiology | Cardiological Society of Montenegro | Cardiology Society of Serbia | Croatian Cardiac Society | Cyprus Society of Cardiology | Baltic Association of Pediatric Surgeons | Asian Pacific Pediatric Association | Malaysian Pediatric Association | Pediatric Cardiac Society of India |Society of Pediatric Nurse | Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nutrition | The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners | National Association of School Nurses | Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Nurses
Track 9: Pediatric Cardiomyopathy
It is the disease related to heart, which is a rare heart condition that affects the paediatrics and infants. Several different types of Cardiomyopathy are present and symptoms varies from person to person, in some conditions it is the progressive condition that results in impaired ability of heart to pump blood , fatigue, heart block, irregular heart beat and sudden cardiac prearrest in some cases there will be presence of no symptoms.
• Transient Ischemic Stroke Attack
Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Related Societies: Albanian Society of Cardiology | Algerian Society of Cardiology | Armenian Cardiologists Association | Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina | Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan | Austrian Society of Cardiology | Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology | Belgian Society of Cardiology | Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists | British Cardiovascular Society
Track 10: Pediatric Congenital Disease
Pediatric Cardiomyopathy is a unique heart disorder that affects teenagers and children. Cardiomyopathy involves disease of the heart force (myocardium). Several unique types of cardiomyopathy exist, and the specific symptoms vary from person to person. In some affected individuals, no symptoms may be present (asymptomatic); in many people, cardiomyopathy is a progressive condition that may result in an impaired ability of the heart to pump blood; fatigue; heart block; irregular heartbeats (tachycardia); and, potentially, heart failure and sudden cardiac death.
• Atrioventricular Canal Defect
• Hypo plastic Left Heart Syndrome
• Single Ventricle (Functionally Univentricular Heart)
• Transposition of the Great Arteries
Related Conferences: 2nd World Cardiology Experts Meeting Sydney, Australia April 8-9, 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Conferences 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Meetings; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Congress; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Events; 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences; 8th World Heart Congress, May 11-12, 2021 Munich, Germany; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences 2021; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021 Bangkok, Thailand; Cardiovascular Diseases Meetings
Related Societies: Albanian Society of Cardiology | Algerian Society of Cardiology | Armenian Cardiologists Association | Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina | Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan | Austrian Society of Cardiology | Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology | Belgian Society of Cardiology | Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists | British Cardiovascular Society
Track 11: Pediatric Cyanosis
Pediatric Cyanosis refers to a bluish-purple hue to the skin. It is utmost seen where the skin is thin, such as the lips, mouth, earlobes and fingernails. Pediatric Cyanosis suggests there may be decreased oxygen attached to red blood cells in the bloodstream. It may suggest a problem with the lungs or heart. It is a finding base test and not through the laboratory test
Related conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences 2021; Pediatric Stoke Meetings; Pediatric Stoke Congress; Pediatric Stoke Events; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Track 12: Pediatric Cardiac Tumours
Cardiac Tumours arise primarily in the inner lining, muscle layer or the surrounding pericardium of the heart. These are mostly benign or malignant neoplasms; they are primary or metastatic primary cardiac tumours are rare in the pediatric practice. The vast of Primary Cardiac Tumours are benign in children and very rare of among 10%are malignant
Related Conferences: 2nd World Cardiology Experts Meeting Sydney, Australia April 8-9, 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Conferences 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Meetings; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Congress; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Events; 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences; 8th World Heart Congress, May 11-12, 2021 Munich, Germany; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences 2021; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021 Bangkok, Thailand; Cardiovascular Diseases Meetings
Related Societies: Albanian Society of Cardiology | Algerian Society of Cardiology | Armenian Cardiologists Association | Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina | Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan | Austrian Society of Cardiology | Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology | Belgian Society of Cardiology | Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists | British Cardiovascular Society
Track 13: Pediatric Arrhythmia
It is the condition where the change in the heart rate is observed in which the heart rate can be increased or decreased compared to the normal heart rate or even sometimes it skips the beat it is due to the heart defect or external factors involved like fever, anxiety, trauma, and exercise.
• Strokes
• peripheral vascular diseases
Related conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences 2021; Pediatric Stoke Meetings; Pediatric Stoke Congress; Pediatric Stoke Events; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Track 14: Pediatric Congestive Heart Failure
It is the term used by the cardiologists to describe whose heart does not pump enough blood to the other body parts to meet the body demands for the energy. It may be due to weak muscle of the heart that cannot pump normal amount of blood to the body or it may due to the heart pumps well but it is insufficient
• Predictors and markers of heart failure outcome
• Heart failure in children and adolescents
• Implantable cardio verter-defibrillator (ICD)
• Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT)
Related conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences 2021; Pediatric Stoke Meetings; Pediatric Stoke Congress; Pediatric Stoke Events; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Track 15: Pediatric Cardiac Nursing
Pediatric Cardiac Nursing is the specialized caring unit for more observation and cares to be taken by the nursing unit towards the infants, children. Cardiac nursing is a registered nurse who specializes to work with patients who suffer from various conditions of the cardiovascular system. Cardiac nurses support to cure disorders such as unstable angina, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and cardiac dysrhythmia under the supervision of a cardiologist. Cardiac nurses also succeed postoperative care on a surgical unit, cardiac monitoring, stress test evaluations, vascular monitoring, and health evaluations. Cardiac nurses work in several different environments, including coronary care units (CCU), cardiac catheterization, intensive care units (ICU), operating theatres, cardiac rehabilitation centers, clinical research, cardiac surgery wards, cardiovascular intensive care units (CVICU), and cardiac medical wards.
• Monitoring cardiac and vascular readings
Related conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences 2021; Pediatric Stoke Meetings; Pediatric Stoke Congress; Pediatric Stoke Events; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Track16: Pediatric Heart Devices
Ventricular Assist Device is the mechanical device that used to support heart function and blood flow in people having week heart as like as healthy heart. This device takes blood from lower chamber of the heart and pumps to the all the vital organs of the body, this works when the lower chamber of the heart ventricles doesn’t work properly.
• Pain in either one or both arms
• Dizziness and Unusual fatigue
• Pain in Neck, shoulder, upper back, jaw or abdominal discomfort
• Sweating, Nausea or vomiting
Related Conferences: 2nd World Cardiology Experts Meeting Sydney, Australia April 8-9, 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Conferences 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Meetings; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Congress; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Events; 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences; 8th World Heart Congress, May 11-12, 2021 Munich, Germany; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences 2021; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021 Bangkok, Thailand; Cardiovascular Diseases Meetings
Related Societies: Albanian Society of Cardiology | Algerian Society of Cardiology | Armenian Cardiologists Association | Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina | Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan | Austrian Society of Cardiology | Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology | Belgian Society of Cardiology | Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists | British Cardiovascular Society
Track 17: Pediatric Cardiac Electrophysiology
Electrophysiology or EPS is a diagnostic procedure that looks more closely at electrical function of your heart which is the most accurate and reliable method of evaluating heart rhythms that helps the physician to determine the way of treating in an easy manner.
Related conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences 2021; Pediatric Stoke Meetings; Pediatric Stoke Congress; Pediatric Stoke Events; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Track 18: Pediatric Cardio Thoracic Surgery
Cardiothoracic Surgery is the arena of medicine participating in surgical treatment of organs within the thorax generally treatment of conditions of the heart disease and lungs disease. In most of the countries, cardiac surgery involving the heart and the great vessels and general thoracic surgery involving the lungs, oesophagus, thymus, etc.
• Mechanical medicinal methodology
• Snappy prototyping advancement
• Inconsequential prominent and Robotic medicinal methodology
• Mechanical stomach medicinal methodology
• Partner of open medicinal methodology Pediatric robot
• Laparoendoscopic Single-Site medicinal methodology in urology
Related Conferences: 2nd World Cardiology Experts Meeting Sydney, Australia April 8-9, 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Conferences 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Meetings; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Congress; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Events; 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences; 8th World Heart Congress, May 11-12, 2021 Munich, Germany; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences 2021; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021 Bangkok, Thailand; Cardiovascular Diseases Meetings
Related Societies: Albanian Society of Cardiology | Algerian Society of Cardiology | Armenian Cardiologists Association | Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina | Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan | Austrian Society of Cardiology | Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology | Belgian Society of Cardiology | Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists | British Cardiovascular Society
Track 19: Pediatric Heart Catheterization
To obtain the diagnostic information Catheterization is done which is a specialized procedure conducting using along flexible tube inserted into the body mainly through leg veins guided to the heart for the close look inside the heart functioning it is done for obtaining information with the intent of providing treatment for an abnormality such as congenital heart problem.
Related conferences: 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Pediatric Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences; Pediatric Stoke Conferences 2021; Pediatric Stoke Meetings; Pediatric Stoke Congress; Pediatric Stoke Events; 33rdWorld Congress on Cardiology & Heart Diseases, March 27-28, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Events; 26th International Conference on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, March 16-17,2021 , Hong Kong, China; Pediatric Cardiology Conferences 2021; 31st European Heart Diseases & Heart Failure Congress, March 09-10, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic; Pediatric Cardiology Meetings; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021, Bangkok, Thailand; Pediatric Cardiology Congress
Track 20: Pediatric Heart Transplantation
Heart Transplantation is done when the dysfunction of heart occurs. Pediatrics often require a heart transplant because of a congenital heart defect or cardiomyopathies. It is an operation where a cardiothoracic surgeon replaces the defected heart with a new donor heart.
Related Conferences: 2nd World Cardiology Experts Meeting Sydney, Australia April 8-9, 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Conferences 2021; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Meetings; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Congress; Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Events; 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapeutics Paris, France, April 01-02, 2021; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences; 8th World Heart Congress, May 11-12, 2021 Munich, Germany; Cardiovascular Diseases Conferences 2021; 26th World Cardiology Conference, April 06-07,2021 Bangkok, Thailand; Cardiovascular Diseases Meetings
Related Societies: Albanian Society of Cardiology | Algerian Society of Cardiology | Armenian Cardiologists Association | Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina | Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan | Austrian Society of Cardiology | Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology | Belgian Society of Cardiology | Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists | British Cardiovascular Society
Global Market of Interventional Cardiology Shared by Country
The global market for interventional cardiology technologies reached an estimated $12.2 billion in 2014. According to a new study by Smithers Apex – The Future of Coronary Artery Disease Medical Devices to 2021 – it will grow to $22.5 billion (€20.9 billion) by 2021, with a year-on-year increase of 9.1%.Demand for coronary artery disease medical devices will grow through 2021 as clinically viable and cost-effective solutions are developed. The report covers three major segments of cardiology surgery, devices and drugs market which includes surgeries, devices and drugs. Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death globally. Some of the major CVDs include coronary heart diseases, , stroke, hypertensive heart diseases, inflammatory heart diseases, rheumatoid heart diseases and others. Coronary heart diseases are the leading cause of death followed by strokes. The prevalence and incidence rate of heart diseases are on a rise; especially in major emerging countries such as India, China and Japan. The market of cardiology surgery, devices and drugs are also on a rise.
Interventional Cardiology Market
Global medical Device coating revenue(2015-2021) USD Billion
Fig: X axis:- Years
Y axis:- Revenue (USD Billion)
Conference Highlights
- Pediatric Cardiology
- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Fetal Cardiology
- Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease
- Pediatric Heart Surgery
- Clinical Cardiology
- Child Anaesthesia for Cardiac Surgery
- Pediatric Stroke
- Pediatric Cardiomyopathy
- Pediatric Congenital Disease
- Pediatric Cyanosis
- Pediatric Cardiac Tumours
- Pediatric Arrhythmia
- Pediatric Congestive Heart Failure
- Pediatric Cardiac Nursing
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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World
Conference Date | May 10-11, 2021 | ||
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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Our International Journals.
- Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine
- International Journal of Cardiovascular Research
- Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases & Diagnosi
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